Why Strategic Competitive Insights Are Key to Optimizing Your Product Assortment
Find out how DataWeave’s Assortment Analytics provides retailers with insights to strategically curate the perfect product mix, identify strengths/gaps, track top-sellers, and align assortments with customer demand.
Revolutionizing Fuel Pricing: How Fuel Retailers and Convenience Stores Can Gain a Winning Edge with DataWeave
Learn how you can transform your retail fuel pricing strategies with the world’s most accurate, comprehensive, and real-time fuel pricing intelligence solution.
Are Your Digital Shelves Prepared for Green Monday?
Green Monday falls on the second Monday of December and has historically been one of the greatest sales days of the year for eBay, often attracting last-minute shoppers. Our team has been actively monitoring activity on this day from 2017 through present, to assess which retailers participate in the event, but also to understand how…