Why Strategic Competitive Insights Are Key to Optimizing Your Product Assortment
Find out how DataWeave’s Assortment Analytics provides retailers with insights to strategically curate the perfect product mix, identify strengths/gaps, track top-sellers, and align assortments with customer demand.
Why Localized, Store-Specific Pricing and Availability Insights is Critical for Consumer Brands
Unlock the power of localized, store specific pricing insights with DataWeave’s Digital Shelf Analytics. Optimize strategies, stay competitive, and enhance customer satisfaction across online and offline channels.
Valentine’s Day eCommerce Insights
Access to these types of real-time digital marketplace insights can enable retailers and brands to make strategic decisions and help drive profitable growth in an intensifying competitive environment. Be sure to reach out to our Retail Analytics experts for access to more details regarding the above analysis.
2021 Cost-Push Inflationary Trends Ran Rampant, Impacting Holiday Discounts
Business has been anything but usual this holiday season, especially in the digital retail world. The holiday hustle and bustle historically seen in stores was once again occurring online, but not as anticipated given the current strength of consumer demand and the reemergence of COVID-19 limiting in-store traffic. While ‘Cyber Weekend’, Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday,…
How Healthy is Your Assortment?
In 2021, both consumers and retailers seek better health. The pandemic has inspired consumers and retailers to take better care of their physical fitness and e-commerce fitness, respectively. As shopping habits have shifted over the past year, retailers now face increased pressure to quickly adapt their e-commerce assortments with in-demand health and wellness products to…
Mapping eCommerce Product Taxonomy with AI Pt. 1
Product Taxonomy and its importance in retail Every product on a retail website is categorized in such a way that it denotes where the product belongs in the entire catalog. Generally, these categorizations follow a hierarchy that puts the product under some Category, Subcategory and Product Type (Ex. Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry > Men >…